#WomenWednesdays Spotlighting LFA Alumni, Deana Uppal (Director: 'India's Forgotten People)


Deana Uppal graduated from the LFA 纪录片制作证书 in 2018, 是我们最珍贵的东西之一, 女校友. 自从离开我们, 她继续写作, 直接, 生产, 并讲述了她的第一部长篇纪录片, “被遗忘的印度人”; a moving and sensitive investigation of the Gadia Lohars community in India, 将从2022年4月开始在Netflix上播放.  

到目前为止,Deana的职业生涯独特而多样. 此外,她还在多部bwin体育苹果下载iOS中担任女演员, 她还出演了英国《bwin体育苹果下载iOS》第13季, 她是2012年英国印度小姐的冠军, 在把注意力转向bwin体育苹果下载iOS制作之前.  

她是一位充满激情的企业家和慈善家, 她创立了“善良日记慈善信托基金”. Deana还创立了DKU Productions, the company through which she 生产d “被遗忘的印度人”. 2022年,她登上了《bwin体育苹果下载iOS》的封面.

We were lucky enough to chat to Deana about her memories of the LFA Documentary Certificate, 她的第一个纪录片项目, “被遗忘的印度人”, 还有她在那之后做的其他工作. 看看下面迪安娜的评论! 

You were a student on the LFA 纪录片制作证书 in 2018; what was your experience like on the course?  

我还记得第一节课结束后, I had a feeling of satisfaction that many questions I had about documentary filmmaking were answered clearly. The course continued with each class being packed with extremely useful teachings, 在bwin体育苹果下载iOS制作的不同方面, 从bwin体育苹果下载iOS制作到bwin体育苹果下载iOS发行. 导师们都是各自领域的专家, 每个人都擅长bwin体育苹果下载iOS制作的不同方面. The course gave me the confidence to go and make my own documentary. I still use the notes I took in class when reminding myself of how to research, 拍摄并销售一部bwin体育苹果下载iOS.

Deana Uppal


How do you feel the course has helped you prepare for your current career?  

I feel the course gave me the confidence to take the big leap and start my first documentary. bwin娱乐开始前, 我对如何制作这部bwin体育苹果下载iOS有了一个大致的想法, 然而,仍有一些方面我不确定. During the course I made sure to get all my doubts cleared and get my answers from the courses tutors.

Deana Uppal



纪录片让人们接触到新的信息, unique subjects around the world and different aspects of life that otherwise would be unknown to many. Documentaries can expand our knowledge, and educate us in an interesting and entertaining way.

Deana Uppal


印度被遗忘的人是关于Gadia Lohars社区的, and the class and wealth divides that exist in India; what inspired you to tell this story, 为什么制作这部纪录片对你来说很重要?  

当我住在印度的时候,我经常去拉贾斯坦邦旅行. 有时我会注意到加迪亚·洛哈尔坐着大车旅行. 每当我向当地人询问时, 他们要么告诉我他们是旅行罪犯, 或者人们根本不知道他们来自哪个社区. 随着我研究的深入, I learnt that the Gadia Lohars have a deep-rooted history and that they have been excluded from India’s progressing society. 我知道这门课是我应该专心学习的, as it is exposing an interesting community that many are unaware of, and also shining a light on the poverty and unfairness they are suffering.

Deana Uppal


You 直接ed and 生产d the documentary yourself; can you tell us about some of the challenges you faced in the production process, 以及你是如何克服它们的?  

There were many challenges and I can say this was the most difficult project I have ever worked on. The first challenge that comes to mind was the communication barrier between myself and the Gaddia Lohars, 因为很多人说自己的方言. 我想更深入地提问, but it was proving difficult as relying on a translator was slowing down the feel and flow of conversation. Another struggle was the shooting locations; the Gaddia Lohars camp in unhygienic and unclean locations, 所以我有很多严重的过敏, 我真的必须坚持下去. 在情感上,拍摄是非常消耗精力的, as connecting with families that were suffering from extreme poverty was heart breaking. 剪辑这段视频的时间比预期的要长得多, 处理和减少所有不同的对话, 并找到合适的翻译, 是困难的.

Deana Uppal

You also host and narrate the documentary; what was your experience like of meeting the people in the film and telling their story on camera?  

Before filming I was worried about how the community would react to me, 我听说他们可能非常暴力和危险. However, once I had started spending time with the community, my worries disappeared. I learnt that the Gaddia Lohars are actually extremely welcoming. The children where always so excited to meet me which was heartwarming.

Deana Uppal


你是如何确保这部纪录片的发行的? What advice do you have for young filmmakers trying to secure their own distribution? 

I spoke with a few distribution companies and decided to go with the company I felt truly believed in the film, and had a track record of successfully realising documentaries in a similar category as mine. My advice to new filmmakers would be not to get disheartened if a few distributors reject your film, 因为它可能只是你的bwin体育苹果下载iOS不适合他们的目录. Research who has distributed films similar to yours, and approach them. If this does not work, then look at other options such as self-distribution online.

Deana Uppal


What has the response been like from people who have watched the documentary?   

反响是惊人的. 我一直收到来自世界各地人们的信息, mostly expressing that they are happy to have learnt about a community they had no idea about. The film has also prompted many to find out how they can help the Gaddia Lohars.

Deana Uppal



So far “被遗忘的印度人” has been shown on various channels such as Discovery Channel, 和德图什井. 目前可以在英国的电视上看到 眼睛 virtual reality headset, and it is due for release on Netflix this April.

Deana Uppal


We’ve heard that you’re currently the executive 生产r on a new film. Can you tell us a little bit more about the film and how you got involved with the project?  

I had a meeting with a production house that was planning to shoot an Indian film in the UK. 他们问我关于英国射击的建议, 随着工作的进展, 他们让我做执行制片人. We shot 90% of the film in the UK and the other 10 percent In India. 和bwin体育苹果下载iOS明星在片场是一次很棒的经历. The film is called ‘Jind Mahi’ and will be released worldwide this summer.

Deana Uppal


你能谈谈你作为女性bwin体育苹果下载iOS人的经历吗, 以及你对女性所能获得的机会的看法, 尤其是在纪录片制作中, 目前?  

我觉得现在有越来越多的女性进入bwin体育苹果下载iOS行业. 然而,我发现它仍然是困难的, 今天, 许多男人不喜欢听从女人的指示. 尤其是在导演mv的时候, I felt a power struggle as many of the singers only wanted a male 直接or. 机会是为女性准备的, but it takes a strong and independent women to survive in the industry.

Deana Uppal


我们迫不及待地想知道你接下来要做什么! 你对未来的bwin体育苹果下载iOS事业有什么抱负?  

I am currently in the research stage of a documentary I plan to start shooting in March. 在禁闭期间,我写了我的第一个bwin体育苹果下载iOS剧本. I plan to get this 生产d into episodes for an online platform.

Deana Uppal


了解更多关于我们的6周 纪录片制作证书. 


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